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Academic Code of Conduct

Academic Code of Conduct for the Distance Education Student

Students of a DEAC-accredited distance education institution are expected to adhere to high ethical standards in the pursuit of their education. Weston Distance Learning expects the student to:

  1. Present qualifications and background truthfully and accurately for admission to the institution.
  2. Observe the institutional policies and rules on submitting work, taking examinations, participating in online discussions and conducting research (where applicable).
  3. Never turn in work that is not your own (this includes the use of artificial intelligence or similar technologies), or present another person’s ideas or scholarship as your own.
  4. Never ask for, receive or give unauthorized help on graded work.
  5. Never use outside books or papers that are not authorized by the directions for examinations.
  6. Never divulge the content of or answers to examinations to fellow students.
  7. Never improperly use, destroy, forge or alter institution’s documents, transcripts or other records.
  8. Never divulge your online user name or password (where applicable).
  9. Never allow another individual to log in as the student and/or represent himself or herself as the student.

Failure to comply with the Code of Conduct will subject students to discipline, up to and including dismissal.