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Disability Services Policy

Disability Services Policy

An applicant or student with a disability who seeks accommodation should notify the Director of Compliance/ Disabilities Services Coordinator by submitting documentation and a request for accommodation, as specified in this policy, so that the request can be evaluated and reasonable accommodation(s) provided. High School Students contact or 800.766.9006, ext. 4537. All other students contact or 800.347.7899, ext. 4537.

The following documentation should be forwarded to the Director of Compliance upon admission or at any time concurrent with a request for accommodations:

For physical disabilities

  1. A statement of the physical impairment from a licensed healthcare professional, qualified and currently or recently associated with the student.
  2. A statement as to how the student is limited in functionality in a major life activity.
  3. Recommendation for reasonable online accommodations.
  4. In the case of hearing impairment, the student should also submit a report from an audiologist that includes the results of an audiogram and the degree of the hearing loss.

For mental disabilities

A statement or report from a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist that includes the following items:

  1. Statement of DSM-IV condition or impairment.
  2. Summary of assessment procedures used to make the diagnosis.
  3. Description of present symptoms and fluctuating condition symptoms in relation to the impairment.
  4. Current medications and side effects as they may impair the student's academic performance or ability to function in an online classroom.
  5. A description of functional limitations in a major life activity.
  6. Recommendations for reasonable accommodations for the online classroom.

For learning disabilities

A diagnostic interview by a qualified evaluator that includes historical information of learning difficulties in elementary, secondary and post-secondary education.

  1. A comprehensive diagnostic interview that addresses relevant background information supporting the impairment, including developmental history, academic history and psychosocial history.
  2. A record of comprehensive testing that is current (within past two years and after age of 18)
  3. A description of functional limitations in a major life activity.
  4. Recommendations as to reasonable accommodations for the classroom.

After an applicant or student has compiled relevant documentation and submitted a request for accommodation to the Director of Compliance / Disabilities Services Coordinator, the Director of Compliance / Disabilities Services Coordinator will consider the information and documentation provided by the applicant or student, consult with appropriate instructors and/or school officials as needed, and determine what constitutes reasonable accommodation(s) for the applicant or student's disability. A list of approved accommodation(s) will be provided to the applicant or student and shared with any instructors and/or school officials who will be responsible for providing or making arrangements for such accommodation(s).

If a student wishes to file a complaint regarding any disability discrimination, the student should first report the concern to the Vice President of Academics and Compliance. If the situation cannot be resolved through that process, the student should follow the grievance procedure provided in the school’s catalog. Students also have the right to file an ADA or Section 504 complaint with the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Department of Education.