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5 Day Money-Back Commitment

September Savings!

Time for a change? A new career? Now’s the perfect time to go back to school. September is Self-Improvement Month and we’re offering 25% OFF* tuition through Tuesday, 9/10!

Let us help you reach your goals. With over 40 years of experience in distance education, U.S. Career Institute can train you AT HOME to be ready to work in as little as 4-6 months, depending on which program you choose.

Enroll now and save up to $898.* Offer ends Tuesday, September 10th. Enroll by phone at 866-250-6851 or enroll online using promo code: SEPTEMBER.

*Offer applies to Certificate, High School and Semester One of Degree programs only. You must enroll by September 10, 2024. Offer valid for new enrollments only. May not be combined with any other offer or discount, max discount is up to $898. To take advantage of this discount, you must follow the terms outlined in this offer. If you enroll with this discount offer, refund policy is based on discounted tuition.